
Submit a TSI Exemption

TSI Exemptions


You must log in with your 腦瞳憫 Email and password to access the exemption form.

Students may be exempt in the following ways:

  • SAT
    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)
    • 530 in Math
    • 480 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

    SAT scores expire after five years.

  • Texas College Bridge

    Texas College Bridge English

    The Texas College Bridge English TSI Exemption is valid for two years from the date of the student's high school graduation and it will only remain an active TSI exemption if the student enrolls in their core English during the student's first year of enrollment at 腦瞳憫.

    If you have completed the Texas English Bridge program, please email TSI@shsu.edu with an attached copy of your English certificate and your SAM ID number to provide proof of completion of the Texas English Bridge program. This will then allow your TSI Reading and Writing status to be updated with an exemption.

    Texas College Bridge Math

    The Texas College Bridge Math TSI Exemption is valid for two years from the date of the student's high school graduation and it will only remain an active TSI exemption if the student enrolls in their core math during the student's first year of enrollment at 腦瞳憫.

    If you have completed the Texas Math Bridge program, please email TSI@shsu.edu with an attached copy of your Math certificate and your SAM ID number to provide proof of completion of the Texas Math Bridge program. This will then allow your TSI Math status to be updated with an exemption.

    To learn more about the Texas College Bridge program, please visit the 

  • ACT

    ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023

    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)


    • 22
    • A combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R)

    There is no composite score factored into the exemption.

    ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023

    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)


    • 23 Composite
    • 19 in Math
    • 23 Composite
    • 19 in English

    A composite score of 23 is required to be exempt in one or more areas.  If a student does not meet the composite minimum their ACT scores cannot be used for TSI exemption.

    If you made an ACT Composite score of 23+ with an ACT English score of 19+ you are exempt from the reading and writing areas.

    If you made an ACT Composite of 23+ with an ACT Math score of 19+, you are exempt from the math area.

    ACT score exemptions are good for five years.

  • Military

    Veterans who were honorably discharged on or after August 1, 1990, are granted a full TSI military exemption. These students are exempt in all areas.

    Students who have been on active duty for three or more years are allowed a temporary TSI waiver for all areas. Once the student is honorably discharged, the waiver may be replaced by a permanent TSI military exemption.

  • Previous Course Work (Transfer, Dual Credit, CLEP, and AP Credit)

    If you received credit for course work equivalent to 腦瞳憫's following courses with a grade of "C" or better, you are exempt in that area:

    • Math: 
      • MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332, 1342, 1369, 1384, 1385, 1410, or 1420
    • Reading and writing:
      • ENGL 1301 or 1302 
      • HIST 2311 or 2312
      • PHIL 1301, 2303, or 2306
      • SOCI 1301 or 2319
    • Reading only:
      • ARTS 1303 or 1315
      • BUAD 2301 or 2321
      • CRIJ 2361 or 2362
      • ECON 2300, 2301, or 2302
      • ENGL 2332 or 2333
      • GEOG 1321, 2355, or 2356
      • HIST 1301 or 1302
      • MUSI 2348
      • POLS 2305 or 2306
      • PSYC 1301 or 2315
      • SOCI 1306

    For CLEP and AP credit, grades of "CR" are also considered a "C" or better.

  • Previous Degree

    If you received an associate degree or higher, you qualify for a Degree Exemption.  

    Please note: Students who earned an Applied Associates Degree do not qualify for a Degree Exemption.  


    Disclaimer: These STAAR EOC Exams are no longer required to graduate high school and are rarely taken.

    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)
    • 4000 in Algebra II, Level II
    • 2000 in English III Reading, Level II

    If you made a score of 2000 in English III Reading, Level II, you are exempt from the reading area.

    If you made a score of 2000 in English III Writing Level II, you are exempt from the writing area.

    If you made a score of 4000 in STAAR EOC Algebra II Level II, you are exempt from the math area.

    STAAR EOC score exemptions are good for five years.

  • High School Equivalency Tests

    Effective May 12, 2021, students who meet the college readiness benchmarks on the state’s approved high school equivalency (HSE) tests will qualify for a TSI exemption. Like similar exemptions for TSI purposes, the high school equivalency test exemptions are valid up to five years from the date the student took the exam.

    Please see the approved tests and relevant benchmarks below:


    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)


    • 165 Mathematical Reasoning
    • 165 Reasoning Through Language Arts

    • Students who received a minimum score of 165 on the Mathematical Reasoning subject test are exempt from the Math section of the TSI.

     Students who received a minimum score of 165 on the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) subject test are exempt from the Reading and Writing sections of the TSI. 


    Exempt Math ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading)
    • 15 Mathematics
    • 15 Reading
    • 15 Writing
    • 4 on Essay

     Students who received a minimum score of 15 on the Mathematics subtest are exempt from the Math section of the TSI.

    • A minimum score of 15 on the Reading subtest and a minimum score of 15 on the Writing subtest, including a minimum score of 4 on the essay, allow students to exempt the Reading and Writing sections of the TSI. 

For immediate assistance, please contact the Registrar's Office:
Phone: 936.294.1040
Email: TSI@shsu.edu